Saturday 5 January 2013

Tech bets for 2013: what's most likely to happen

Predicting the future can be a tricky business: Popular Mechanics told us that the fully-automated home was just around the corner in 1939, and we're still waiting.

And, famously, the Back to the Future trilogy reckoned we'd have flying cars and hoverboards by 2015. If only.
But 2013 is upon us now, so what will be the top tech stories of the year? We've picked out a few to reckon on, and some others you shouldn't.

What are the odds of them actually happening? Let's find out.

1. Apple releases iPad mini 2 with Retina Display

It's the one weakness in Apple's otherwise-excellent little tablet, and if Apple can do it in phones, iPod touches, iPads and MacBooks, then it can cram one into the iPad mini too.

Why not:
Retina Displays are more complicated and need more power than non-Retina ones, and that means heavier, more expensive devices. Hands up who thinks the iPad mini needs a price hike?

The odds:
2/1. We know it's going to happen, and we don't want to pay out too much when it does.


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